Church Point (NS), September 18, 2019 – After many months of preparation, Caroline Fitzpatrick, an Assistant Professor in Université Sainte-Anne's Department of Social Science and researcher with Concordia University's PERFORM Centre, has officially launched the Laboratoire d'études sur la petite enfance (“Early Childhood Research Lab”).

Church Point (NS), August 20, 2019 – Today marked the launch of Université Sainte-Anne's 2019-2024 strategic plan, “Knowledge in Action”. The university's president and vice-chancellor, Allister Surette, presented the new plan to a gathering of staff members in Marc Lescarbot Theatre.

A bursary program for continuing care assistants is being launched. It will provide successful applicants a $4,000 bursary to enroll in continuing care programs through the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) and Université Sainte-Anne.

Church Point (NS), July 22, 2019– Caroline Fitzpatrick, Assistant Professor in the Social Sciences Department at Université Sainte-Anne and affiliate researcher at Concordia University’s PERFORM Centre has received a grant from Research Nova Scotia. This funding, which represents $150,000 over 3 years, will allow her to conduct research on the effects of screen time on preschool-aged children in Nova Scotia.

Church Point (NS), July 18, 2019 – The team at Université Sainte-Anne's Centre acadien (CA) is proud to launch the “Acadian heritage, culture and history” project. The first phase of this project is to publish approximately fifty new texts intended for the general public on various online platforms, including the CA's Capsules acadiennes, the FANE's Acadia Historic Trail and Historic Nova Scotia's website and mobile application.
Church Point (NS), July 12, 2019- A native of Prince George, British Columbia, student Kelsey Monsen is passionate about languages. The facts speak for themselves as she speaks three languages: English, French and German. She has already completed two immersion sessions in Germany and three sessions of the Explore Canada program.

CHURCH POINT, Nova Scotia, July 10, 2019
Our two official languages are at the heart of Canadian identity, and are powerful tools for the inclusion and integration of diversity into our society. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting the development of official-language minority communities and promoting bilingualism across the country.

Church Point (NS), July 2, 2019- The Centre acadien has recently launched a new project that aims to collect and preserve testimonials, life stories and experiences of the Acadien-Métis living in Clare and Argyle regions. The data collection aims to gather more information on identity and the process by which people identify as Acadien-Métis.

Church Point (NS), May 23, 2019 – Université Sainte-Anne is proud to announce that it will present the Louis E. Deveau Award for Excellence to Riverside Lobster International Inc. during the college diploma graduation ceremony to be held on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 7 pm. This ceremony will simultaneously take place on three university campuses (Church Point, Halifax and Saint-Joseph-du-Moine). All community members and all media outlets are welcome to attend.

Church Point (NS), May 1, 2019- Caroline Fitzpatrick, a professor of psychology in the Department of Social Sciences at Université Sainte-Anne and a researcher at the PERFORM Centre, has just published the results of a large Canadian study of 40,000 teenagers which examines the impact of screens on youth. Professor Fitzpatrick's research suggests that time spent with screens could have a negative effect on adolescent health. Robin Burkhalter, researcher at the Propel Centre for Population Health Impact at the University of Waterloo and Mark Asbridge, Professor in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Dalhousie University were also part of the research team.
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