Lauren Amero et Johnsly Ira sont les récipiendaires de l’appui financier 2024-2025 de la FANE pour les études acadiennes
Pointe-de-l’Église (N.-É.), le 30 janvier 2025 — L’Université Sainte-Anne est heureuse d’annoncer les deux récipiendaires des appuis financiers offerts par la Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FANE) pour l’année 2024-2025. Ces fonds, d’une valeur de 5 000 $ chacun, ont pour objectif d’encourager des recherches novatrices portant sur les enjeux culturels et historiques de l’Acadie contemporaine. Les récipiendaires se distinguent par leur engagement à comprendre les moyens dont les sentiments d’appartenance à une identité acadienne sont représentés ou façonnés par des artéfacts de l’Acadie.
Mykkaela Lutes reçoit la bourse Scotia Scholars de Research Nova Scotia
Pointe-de-l’Église (N.-É.), le 27 juin 2024 — Mykkaela Lutes devient la première étudiante de l’Université Sainte-Anne au niveau du baccalauréat à recevoir la bourse Scotia Scholars de Research Nova Scotia. Elle bénéficie de 6 250 dollars pour son projet « Building Inclusion: A Literature Review of the Effects of a Mock Apartment in the Transition from School to Work » (Bâtir l’inclusion : une analyse documentaire des effets d’un appartement fictif dans la transition entre l’école et le travail). Elle a commencé ses recherches ce mois-ci sous la supervision d’Élizabeth Harvey, professeure au Département des sciences de l’éducation.
Children and Digital Media: Screens may hinder preschooler emotion regulation
Sherbrooke (QC) & Church Point (NS), February 9 2023 – Tantrums, emotional outbursts, frustration, and mood swings in preschoolers are sometimes a daily occurrence for parents. Are screens a good way to calm them down quickly? Not really, this practice may very well make things worse in the short and long term.
Support for Marine Research in Cape Breton
Petit-de-Grat (N.-É.), February 25, 2022 - Invest Nova Scotia is supporting the modernization of the Université Sainte-Anne Marine Research Centre in Richmond County to help strengthen and grow the province’s marine and aquaculture sector.
Ted Leighton named Officer of the Order of Canada
Church Point (NS), January 5, 2022– Université Sainte-Anne offers its heartfelt congratulations to Frederick (Ted) Leighton, adjunct professor in the Department of sciences, who has been appointed to the Order of Canada for his contributions to veterinary medicine as a clinical pathologist and as an internationally renowned scholar specializing in wildlife disease.
Clint Bruce Receives the Modern Language Association’s 2021 Lois Roth Award
Church Point (NS), December 13, 2021- Université Sainte-Anne is pleased to announce that Clint Bruce was awarded the Lois Roth Award for his book Afro-Creole Poetry in French from Louisiana’s Radical Civil War-Era Newspapers: A Bilingual Edition, published by the Historic New Orleans Collection.
Dr. Martine Béland Appointed Vice-President Academic & Research
Church Point (NS), November 18, 2021 – Université Sainte-Anne's Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Martine Béland as Vice-President Academic & Research. This decision was ratified by the Board at a special meeting held October 27, 2021.
Darryl Whetter publishes his seventh book
Church Point (NS), October 29, 2021 - Darryl Whetter, professor of Creative Writing and English literature, has just published his seventh book. Titled Teaching Creative Writing in Asia, it was published in August, 2021 by Routledge.
Université Sainte-Anne to Establish a Research Office
Church Point (N.S.), September 1, 2021 – Université Sainte-Anne is pleased to announce the establishment of a Research Office, a new permanent and central research structure. This structure for research services has been set up in response to a 2020-2025 Strategic Research Plan objective.
Nova Scotia Climate Crisis Novel Available for Earth Day
Church Point (NS), April 22, 2021- Université Sainte-Anne professor Dr. Darryl Whetter's climate-crisis novel Our Sands, set in and around Canada's contentious tar sands, is now available here in Canada and is published by Penguin Random House.
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