Deux étudiants assis sur les escaliers devant le campus de Halifax
Deux étudiants assis sur les escaliers devant le campus de Halifax

This 10-week program is offered four times throughout the year.

Classes are offered weekdays at 3 different time slots, and evenings from 6:30pm to 8:45pm.You can find the schedule for the next session below. Classes will take place at 5657, Spring Garden Road, Suite 100, Halifax.

Beginner, intermediate and advanced courses are offered, and students are granted a certificate upon satisfactory completion of each 10-week program.

Classes will be once per week for 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Please note that if there is a holiday during the session, there will be no classes on that day. To make up for those classes, there will be a make-up class at the end of the session and/or 15 minutes will be added to each class starting with the second class of the session.


Important: You cannot register here, but you can print off the forms for provincial government employees. Please note that you will need your supervisor’s email approval, as well as their position and the date, when you send in your form (if you can obtain their signature, that is great, but we know that it is more difficult for some during the Coronavirus pandemic). Otherwise, your registration will not be valid.

Provincial government employees with any questions about eligibility should contact Josiash Hawkins at 902-266-7975, or at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Completed registration forms can be sent to Université Sainte-Anne via email at: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Remember, you must complete both tests before you can register; otherwise you are not registered, even if you have submitted a registration form.


Erin Whiting

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